IMPROVed Mind utilizes Applied Improvisation!
What is Applied Improvisation?
When you hear the words improv or improvisation, the show “Whose Line It Anyway?” might come to mind. Tons of improv groups perform for audiences all over the world. Applied Improvisation takes the same concepts used in theatrical improvisation and applies them in different settings. Some of these concepts include the Yes, and Principle, social support, active listening, embracing imperfection, self-confidence, mindfulness, creativity, social and emotional learning, and more.
Who benefits from Applied Improvisation?
EVERYONE! There is no age limit or requirement to be funny; you can use improv games in every setting you can think of!
Where can applied improvisation be utilized?
Lately, applied improv is gaining popularity in educational, medical, therapeutic, and rehab settings. Applied improvisation has a place in every environment! Play them at home! Some games can even be played alone and are great for grounding and mindfulness .
How can improv improve your life?
If you look at all those concepts listed above, you can see their importance in every environment. All of the tenets of improv can help increase communication, relationship building, social support, and growth mindset. Practicing these games regularly can help individuals think faster on their feet and train the brain to utilize the skills learned.
What is the Yes, and Concept?
The Yes, and Concept is an important tenet of improvisation, on or off the stage. The concept means the positive acceptance of another person’s idea even if it is different from your own. This allows a conversation to move forward rather than being shut down with closed ended statements and judgment.